Skin is the vital excretory and protective organ of the whole body, much exposed to the environment. The free radicals and toxins accumulated in the blood stream, organs and tissues if not expelled properly, can cause various chronic skin problems. The commonly observed manifestations are Psoriasis, Eczema, Cellulites, Chronic urticaria, Allergic dermatitis etc..
“Skin is an Upadhatu of Rakta dhatu and therefore is the mirror that reflects the quality of rakta and rasa dhatus. A glowing skin is the symbol of the good quality of rasa and raktha”. Detoxification is a treatment modality in Ayurveda by which toxic substances are being expelled and cleansing of body is taking place. Ayurvedic management of the same is by Dhara, Vamana, Virechana, Vasti, Raktha moksha, and cupping therapy etc.
Dermatology relies on the knowledge of individual body constitution to formulate the right skin care and life style modification, which can help achieve complete harmony of the mind, body and skin. Detoxification helps to cleanse the body and feels vibrant throughout the changing seasons by ayurvedic modalities like detoxification procedures, shodana therapies, dhara, lepana, basti, etc along with internal medication.