
Eye & Ent Care


As per Ayurveda “Samhithas”, there are about 76 diseases pertaining to eye, 25 af fecting ears, 18 on nose and 11 on lips. Shalakya tantra is the branch in Ayurveda, dealing with the diseases affecting neck and above region.

Some of the major diseases affecting the eye commonly observed are, Glaucoma, Diabetic retinopathy, Optic neuropathy, Cataract, Retinitis pigmentosa, Refractive errors (Myopia, Hyperopia, Presbyopia, Astigmatism), Age related macular de generation (ARMD), Keratoconus, Chronic dry eye, Eales disease, Uveitis etc.

In our department, traditional method with the support of modern diagnostic tools and equipments, diseases are traced and treatment procedures are adopted to root out the ailments permanently.

Ayurvedic ophthalmology is highly effective in many degenerative ailments as well as infectious diseases of the eye, ear, nose, and throat. The Shalakya Tantra Eye and ENT Clinic at Ilaj is a sophisticated and advanced Ayurveda department offering effective and quality treatments for all kinds of ophthalmology and Ent disorders. Our expert and specialised doctors panel leads the treatments through authentic Ayurveda procedures.


Diseases We Manage

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