
Modern Physiotherapy


Physiotherapy, also referred as physical therapy is having the treatment approach of diagnosing and treating range of dis orders, disabilities, diseases by physical means and modern facilities.

The well-equipped modern physiotherapy department take care of the patients hastily. We got proven track record of success for past several years. By combining traditional ayurvedic massage and therapies, we are getting remarkable result in the cases of neuro-muscular problems. It helps the patients to augment their mobility, strength, and vitality.

Our physiotherapy specialties spread to orthopaedic, neurology, cardiopulmonary, paediatric, geriatric, sports physio therapy, rehabilitation and intensive care physiotherapy. The specialised physiotherapy unit of women provides specific exercise training for various female diseases, pre and post-natal exercise, fitness coaching and guidance.

Our well-equipped modern physiotherapy department supports to care the patients hastily. It has created success stories for the last several years. By combining traditional ayurvedic massage and therapies, we are getting remarkable result in the case of neuro- muscular problems. Physiotherapy, also referred to as physical therapy, involves assessing, diagnosing, and treating a range of diseases, disorders and disabilities using physical means and modern facilities. It also helps the patients augment the mobility, strength, and vitality. Our physiotherapy specialities include orthopaedic physiotherapy, neurology physiotherapy, cardio pulmonary physiotherapy, paediatric physiotherapy, geriatric physiotherapy, sports physiotherapy, rehabilitation physiotherapy, and intensive care physiotherapy

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