
Orthopaedics & Spinal Disorders


Prevalence of Musculoskeletal disorder is up roaring in this modern era as part of changing life style and irrational food habits. Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteo arthritis, Anky lose spondylitis, Osteo porosis, Cervical Spondylitis, IVDP, Gout, Frozen Shoulders etc., are off-shoot of the said conditions. If timely medical intervention and rectification is not taking place the freedom of movement to body will be in stake and this will accompany life long.

Aggressiveness of “Vata dosha” can be the main causative factor for this, according to Ayurveda principle. Rectification of the same is the basic line of treatment. The treatment modalities like Snehana, Swedana, Vasti etc are being practiced successfully.

Prevalence of Musculoskeletal disorder is up roaring in this modern era as part of changing life style and irrational food habits. If timely medical intervention and rectification is not taking place the freedom of movement to body will be in stake and this will accompany lifelong. At Ilaj Ayur Heritage Hospital, Department of Orthopedics & Spinal disorders effectively manages and provides lasting cure to majority of Orthopedics & Spinal disorders.

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